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Nursery Group Software to Build your Business.

With the Group Overview, maintaining and growing your business is made simple.


Business Tools for Nursery Groups

With the Group Overview, maintaining and growing your business is made simple.

Group Dashboard
Group Reports
Add New Nurseries
Organisation Settings
Make data driven decisions
Compare performance across settings
Information updated in real time
An interface everyone can use
Single Login

Keeping Group Information Organised

Nursery Group Dashboard

As a large business, having all the information you need is essential. With Blossom’s Nursery Group Software, the dashboard has a simple look, with all the important contact information displayed. If you need to know anything else, simply click into the nursery and access their platform.

Group Reporting

Easily compare performance across settings, staff, occupancy, revenue and enquiries with Blossom’s intuitive reporting.

Financial Reporting

Find a full suite of financial reports which break down the revenue, debt and more, across all of your settings.

Enquiry Reporting

Ensure you have plenty of new starters by monitoring the enquiry reports. These show the enrollment rate across all of your settings, and which staff member gave the viewings.

Child Reports

See how many children are starting and leaving nursery and track the FTE changes.

Add Nurseries

Make growing your Nursery business easy with the ability to add settings to your account without any hassle.

Nursery Group Software : Group Reporting

Why do nurseries choose Blossom?

Keeping your Business Unified

Nursery Group Software : Organisation Settings
Organisation Settings

Organisation settings, allows the user to change settings for all nurseries, these cannot be overridden and ensure consistency.

Nursery Group Software : Single Login
Single Login

With Blossom, there is no need to sign in and out between accounts to view different nurseries, simply sign in once and thats it!

Read our Group Case Studies!

Group Case Studies : Cherubs Day Nurseries
Cherubs Day Nurseries

Cherubs looked into their accounts to see if they saved money by using Blossom… Find out how much they saved!

Group Case Studies : Banana Moon Franchise
Banana Moon Franchise

Banana Moon joined Blossom in 2018, learn about the journey of their switch and how they’ve found it so far…

Book a Free Demo

A completely free demo with no strings attached

An image showing the brand-new blossomboard and the parent app
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a 30min session
no strings attached
How does this actually work?
  • 1.
    You request your FREE Demo
    Simply complete a brief form to provide us with your information.
  • 2.
    We'll reach out to you
    A member of our nursery software specialists team will contact you to discuss how we can be of assistance.
  • 3.
    We schedule a demonstration for you
    We arrange a suitable time for showcasing our nursery software.
  • 4.
    That's it
    No credit cards, No commitment to buy afterwards. Just a completely free demo.