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The Blossom Nursery Glossary - SEND and Inclusion

From EYFS to XYZ, we’ve pulled together every term you might need to know to work, run, open or book your child into any childcare setting.

Every setting should be inclusive so every child (and parent) feels welcome at your nursery. Her you’ll find some terms related to that provision.

EYFS SEND and inclusion

Your nursery should be inclusive by design, promoting inclusive practice to support all development levels and needs to enjoy their time at your nursery. There may be children who require additional support due to special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

Let’s unpick some of the most-used phrases in EYFS linking to SEND and inclusion.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Children with SEND require additional support and facilities in comparison to their peers in one or more of the four broad areas of need.

The four broad areas of need

Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, emotional mental health and Physical and sensory needs.

EHCP (Education Health Care Plan)

An EHCP is a legal document that sets out the need for targeted outcomes and provision for a child with SEND to meet their potential. Not all children with SEND needs will have an EHCP, it requires an assessment request and agreement by local authority SEND teams.

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Special Educational Needs Coordinator – it’s mandatory for an EYFS setting to have a SENDCo.

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Undertaken by a qualified therapist, children get tailored support to develop their speech and comprehension of language.

Educational Psychologist

A qualified professional who will assess children’s cognitive and social development.

Local offer

This is where the local authority will set out the SEND provision available in the local area.

To find information on all recognised SEND needs, access the EGFL’s extensive SEND-specific glossary.

Nursery Glossary Sections

From nurseries to daycares, forest schools and more

Teaching terms and styles for the early years

EYFS Curriculum info for England and the UK

Terms specific to the safeguarding of children

Special Education Needs and Disabilities terminology

From ELG to development frameworks like Birth to Five

Jargon explained for the Office for Standards in Education

Funding terms for the nursery side of the scheme

Funding terms for the nursery side of the scheme

A catch-all for terms not included in the other categories

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