A summary of all nursery place Enquiries for your setting

Maximise your occupancy without keeping parents waiting. 

Our Enquiries feature allows Blossom customers to manage all incoming interest to their nursery online and in one place. 

  • Enquiries
  • Viewings
  • Activities
  • Boost your Marketing
  • Enrollment
  • Contact Form
  • Flexibility

Make use of this mini CRM tool within Blossom’s nursery management software to make those enquiries into enrolments.

Want to know how many enquiries are interested to start in September? Or how many enquiries have been logged but not booked in for a viewing? 


Our new Enquiries feature helps you to answer these questions and manage your relationship with your customers neatly in one place.

Blossom Software: Nursery Enquiries

Managing Enquiries with ease

Multiple spreadsheets are stressful, and you can even lose potential clients as data often goes missing. With Blossom’s Enquiries, you’re able to see a summary of all your enquiries for your setting – keeping you organised and on top of things.

Filter your Enquiries by:

Export all this data and more as a CSV report to help your weekly planning run smoothly.


Got multiple enquiries? Filter by ‘calculated session value’ to prioritise potential high paying customers.

From Enquiries to Viewings

Make managing viewings stress-free. Plan your week’s viewings with a valuable summary, with ready information like:

Export all this information as a CSV report.


Not sure why some viewings become enrolments and others not? On the exportable CSV report, look at which staff member took the viewing. Some are stronger at it than others - make sure they lead the tours!

Keep on top of contacts

Keep track of all activity and interaction with potential customers. This visibility allows any staff member to jump in and see exactly what’s happening. You are able to:

Boost your marketing

One feature provides so much value for your setting’s marketing to help get more bums on seats. Access useful information such as:

In turn, you can create targeted marketing campaigns – which will get more enquiries!

Effortless enrolment

Now you can enrol a child in 6 simple steps by adding:

Contact Form

Enquiries don’t only have to be logged via Blossom. We created a short contact and child information form as a simple link.

Publish this link on your website, social media or whatsapp for potential parents to fill in and submit. Parents will receive an email confirmation for filling out the form.

Feature flexibility

At Blossom, we know that all nurseries are unique. The enquiries feature includes detailed settings which allow you to tailor the platform to suit your needs.

This includes creating a custom enquiry pipeline, as well as custom fields to keep track of the source of each enquiry your nursery receives. If an enquiry doesn’t work out, you’ll be able to input a reason for why it was lost – helping you find patterns and ensure that you get as many successful enquiries as possible.

  • Book a demo
  • Already a customer

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a 30min session
no strings attached
How does this actually work?
  • 1.
    You request your FREE Demo
    Simply complete a brief form to provide us with your information.
  • 2.
    We'll reach out to you
    A member of our nursery software specialists team will contact you to discuss how we can be of assistance.
  • 3.
    We schedule a demonstration for you
    We arrange a suitable time for showcasing our nursery software.
  • 4.
    That's it
    No credit cards, No commitment to buy afterwards. Just a completely free demo.