What’s BE Paid feature really like? A Banana Moon case study - Blossom Educational

What’s BE Paid feature really like? A Banana Moon case study

User experience from Sarah Taylor, Manager at Banana Moon
1 min of reading
05 May 2023
BE Paid - Sarah Taylor - Manager at Banana Moon

How are you finding BE Paid so far?

“It’s been very easy and convenient to use! It’s so much easier not having to spend ages reconciling and updating accounts. At the end of the month I can quickly view the outstanding invoices & now I send out fewer reminders to parents.”

Blossom’s new BE Paid feature is saving us so much time as I don’t have to chase as many payments anymore!

How do your parents find using BE Paid?

“When I send the invoices, I send out reminders to parents to sign up to pay through their Parent App. Parents are finding it much better to pay because it’s instant. Plus their outstanding invoices and their accounts automatically update!”

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