How to make relationships with (birth to 11 months)

4 min of reading
01 August 2017
How to make relationships with (birth to eleven months)

At Blossom, we go above and beyond for our network! We have spoken to many a setting in relation to ‘writers block’ when it comes to inventive activities linked to the Early Years Outcomes. Over the next few months we will be asking practitioners which areas of learning they struggle to observe and plan for and prompt suggestions for activities.

As a previous baby room practitioner, I quickly learnt simplicity is key with birth-11 months. Let’s take a look into what are we trying to observe for Making Relationships!

Making Relationships with Birth – 11 months

Enjoys the company of others and seeks contact with others from birth

For me, observing began from the child 1st settling in session : a baby sharing a toy or open to cuddles with practitioners whilst secure in their parents company was a clear indication of engagement with others.

Gazes at faces and copies facial movements. e.g. sticking out tongue, opening mouth and widening eyes

This is a great activity I frequently use – click here to download our ‘Babble Time’ step by step!

Responds when talked to, for example, moves arms and legs, changes facial expression, moves body and makes mouth movements

Conversation is key with our under ones. They may not respond verbally but an action or engagement is still a form of response.

Recognises and is most responsive to main carer’s voice: face brightens, activity increases when familiar carer appears

Have you ever noticed a babies face light up as their parent/carer has walked into the room at pick up time? – I think you can mark this as secured!

Responds to what carer is paying attention to, e.g. following their gaze

Lets have a look at a hanging mobile example! – sometimes our infants seem oblivious to these details until pointed out by another – once they see where their role model’s attention is being held elsewhere, their natural impulse to explore and discover kicks in!

Likes cuddles and being held: calms, snuggles in, smiles, gazes at carer’s face or strokes carer’s skin

Warmth in an ‘Under one Practitioner’ is key – building a secure attachment where a child is able to be soothed by someone who is outside of their family circle is a skill for both child and practitioner – snuggles are no waste of time!

To voice your suggestions

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