How to effectively plan CPD in your nursery: examples of outstanding CPD journeys

6 min of reading
27 May 2022

There is a changing dynamic of children entering nurseries, with growing expectations from external agencies and making every effort to recover post-pandemic. With so many challenges, it can be difficult to keep Continuous Professional Development (CPD) at the top of agendas. However, continually striving for improvement and growth can often be the mark of an outstanding nursery.

In this article, we highlight the most effective cycle of CPD preparations to get the most out of your training, and explore examples of effective CPD planning in settings similar to your own.

What to find in this article:

    Minimum qualification requirements for EYFS

    There are minimum qualification requirements for nursery staff to be included in the ratio. With recent changes enforced for those holding Early Years focused undergraduate degrees without assessed placement time, it is worth checking your current team’s qualifications against the criteria.

    For childminders, there are training requirements that must be satisfied before the setting can be Ofsted registered or registered with a childminding agency.

    What are the benefits of CPD in the Early Years?

    It is vital to stay up to date with changes in the educational field: strategies with evidence-based success, potential changes to family income support that may affect your children, and changes with global childcare issues such as refugees. Nurseries who plan and execute purposeful CPD journeys for their staff use the Ofsted 3 I’s as underpinning guidance.




    CPD is often successful when maximum effort and an open mind are applied like reflective practice mindsets.

    Benefits for staff:

    • Increase in confidence
    • Career and personal progression
    • The feeling of belonging in the team
    • Improved effectiveness as a practitioner

    Benefits for managers and owners:

    • Improved workforce
    • Increased support for children and families
    • Retention of staff as feel valued and productive
    • Staying on top of educational changes

    Examples of outstanding CPD journeys in the Early Years

    SEND focus CPD example

    Nursery A has a higher than average percentage of SEND children, with an increase of pupils attending with EHCP (or in the process of) for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There has been an increase in incidents of challenging behaviour and an increase in parental communications regarding eating reluctance in the home. Two staff members have joined the team, completing their Level 2 and 3 apprenticeships. One apprentice shows an interest in SEND support.

    The manager recognises that not all CPD training must be paid for courses; there is a wealth of knowledge available in the setting, and a neighbouring nursery with supportive links is developed. 

    The challenging behaviour has been monitored on the online system; the new staff members are given the opportunity to use their 20% training hours to familiarise themselves with the platform with a team member’s support. 

    During the apprentices’ regular mentor meetings, the apprentice interested in SEND is encouraged to think about completing the SEND Specialist Apprenticeship and given support for this. The manager chooses the following CPD opportunities:

    • Discusses with a local SEND-only nursery the opportunity for one of their staff members to visit and observe sensory play activities
    • During the next team meeting, the focus is on inclusive practice and how the nursery can be more consistent with its approach
    • A team member is booked onto an evidence-based training course for challenging behaviour; it is a free online course that the team member will need to be covered to attend
    • The team member who attends the course leads the next team meeting to share her experience with the other staff
    • During a curriculum development meeting, the team discussed how food could be introduced in relation to messy play, sensory play and senses

    Speech and Language CPD example

    Nursery B is in a low socio-economic area, with high levels of deprivation and poverty. The majority of their children enter the setting significantly below age-related expectations for speech and language. The setting is aware that few children are read to at home. A new team member is quite timid, showing limited interactions with the children.

    The manager highlights the new team members as needing support from a supportive other. They speak to the team member and ask about their understanding surrounding back and forth interactions and their importance. They find the team member has limited knowledge of this and is keen to develop further.

    Using the online communication platform, the team pushes communication with parents over books that they are reading, and they simultaneously offer the opportunity to lend a book for a week. The manager decides on the following CPD opportunities:

    • An evidence-based training course on the importance of talk in the early years
    • Includes the new team member in a ‘talking learning walk’ to highlight good practice
    • Discuss as a team during the next team meeting the reading choices that are used in the current curriculum, and undertake a reading audit on these books
    • Using the strong links the nursery has with a local feeder primary school, they organise for a team member to observe one afternoon how to identify the levels of communication needed for a primary school’s success
    • Plans and organises talking breakfasts, where reading and discussion are encouraged with families and their children

    CPD is personal to your setting; it can consider the needs of your staff, children and families.

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