You’ve asked, we’ve listened, and Blossom has just rolled out a big new update to our nursery Finance system – now Finance 3.1.
Through Finance 3.1, your Blossom-powered nursery is now ready to tackle all of the government’s upcoming an existing funding changes, as well as those already in place, with improved reports, package building and more.
Improved Funding application report
One of the fundamentals of booking and claiming for funded places/children is knowing your allocation. With our updated and improved reports, you can now filter by more criteria to find out exactly how many hours a child may have remaining in a given time period.

Choose to filter by term dates, stretch dates, funding types by age, and/or your customised funding types, and see each child’s allocation for that period or funding type.
Blossom’s Finance 3.1 won’t allow you to over-allocate funding according to your settings, keeping your local authority, parents and most importantly you happy when it comes time for the local authority to pay out.
Enhanced Packages system
Different parents want different things for their nursery time, and that can be challenging for nurseries to offer – especially once funding is tied in. Rather than create these offerings for every individual parent, many settings will create packages to wrap their preferred offerings into one price option.
Through Finance 3.1, you can now create as many of these packages as you want, to diversify your offering to parents seeking mixtures of funded hours, paid hours and even consumables. They can even apply monthly or weekly, depending on how you prefer to operate.

Remember: you don’t have to offer funded hours to every parent if your setting can’t support it!
These packages will appear on your Blossom invoices as a line item so parents know what they’re paying for, with the included elements listed underneath, and in your reports and exports so you can analyse performance.
Average costs over chosen time-periods
No longer will you need to manually generate different batches of invoices to include this child, that session, remove that room, cover this month but not that month etc.
Choose the exact amount of months and or weeks you want to average over, with the children it applies to. From there, Blossom will generate every invoice all in one go, removing human error and ensuring friction-free billing.

Average booking patterns across 11 months, 12 months, 51 weeks, 38 weeks – whatever you need on your invoices, Blossom can do.
It should also reduce the number of questions you get from parents about invoices!
Plan future price increases
It’s a fact of life – or at least a fact of inflation – that over time costs have to go up. Whether it’s foreign affairs rising the cost of spaghetti or Huggies bumping up the cost of pull-ups, over time what you used to charge doesn’t cover your outgoings anymore.
With Finance 3.1, once you know your prices are going to go up at some point, you can let the system know. Without making a new booking pattern (or resetting everything you’ve put in the system already), just input the date costs are going to go up with the new price.

When that time comes up: up goes the price. Just be sure to tell parents when it’s coming!
Save money, save time, and reduce human error, all with Blossom’s new-and-improved Finance 3.1.